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Monica Zurita

Rachel Barac

Founder of Zurita

Where are you from and what brought you to Shanghai?

I am originally from Spain and came to Shanghai 12 years ago with my husband to become an entrepreneur. Our uncle and mentor told us that China was the future and that if we came here we would understand how the world was configured. And he was right!

How did you go from being an investor to having your own business in fashion?

I have always been passionate about fashion. At some point I was pregnant and turning 30 and I thought what the hell am I doing so far from home if I am not going to pursue my dream, so I decided to change my career. I gained some experience in the industry and did an EMBA, then some of my classmates encouraged me to start my own business and that was it.

What is the philosophy behind Zurita?

We believe that there's a better way of doing fashion. We target women in China and we try to convey the idea that in this world you cannot be a successful person anymore if you are not living in a more sustainable way, if you are not somehow making the world a better place.

Why are you so passionate about sustainable fashion?

I am passionate about fashion. I have kids and I want to leave the Earth a better place for them. If you put both things together there is no other way to do fashion. And besides by now we know the future of fashion is sustainable or is not existent. The planet just cannot keep up with the current rhythm of the industry. I could keep going and going on this one, hahaha...

Tell us about the work you do with Home Sweet Home

We try to do small projects in marketing and production with different charities like Home Sweet Home, The Inclusion Factory or the World Academy for the Future of Women. Depending on their needs and resources we adjust. With Home Sweet Home in particular, we have produced small accessories made out of fabric scraps that are actually one of our best sellers!

How would you define your personal style?

I would say it is simple working pieces with some extra details. I wear a lot of Zurita clothes of course and then, lots of things let's say "vintage", meaning things that my mom and friends discard and I give them a second chance. It's part of my sustainability program, hahaha....

What’s one tip you would give to other women wanting to start their own business in Shanghai?

Shanghai is a wonderland for start ups. There is an opportunity for everyone and everything. So prepare properly, make sure it makes sense, start small, fail fast, iterate, try again and continue like that until you succeed.

If you would like to find out more about Zurita you can find them at:





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